
Writing to a Target Audience

Monday, January 30, 2023 by Catherine Gilliland | Scholarship Essays

What does your student know about their target audience when they are writing scholarship essays? Writers must always keep their readers in mind when designing their written work. Doing so will attract the attention of their target audience–the scholarship committee–and boost the likelihood that their essay will be noticed.

Did you know that a scholarship committee:

  • Potentially reads hundreds of essay entries (Yours must be particularly memorable.)

  • Is seeking one candidate who stands out (For the right reasons!)

  • Desires to easily become knowledgeable about you (Share an experience that reveals your inner greatness.)

  • Looks for a clearly understood story free from typos and other mistakes (Demonstrate your writing ability.)

  • Already is acquainted with your academic achievements (Leave those details out.) 

  • Wants to hear how their scholarship will benefit YOU (They want a return on their investment.)

  • May not read your entire essay (Make every word count.)

For more details regarding how to write award-winning scholarship essays, consider securing my self-paced, affordable, online course for your student. I am also available to work one on one with students as they navigate this exciting, but often challenging process.

Topics of Writing Scholarship EssaysOnline Course include:

  • Getting your Past Together (compiling past experiences for future essays)

  • Searching High and Low (for scholarship opportunities)

  • Keeping Your Act Together (organization)

  • Yikes, I Have to Write the Essay (strategies for writing essays)

  • Managing Word Count

  • The Power of Gratitude (effective follow-up)

Check out my blogs on these topics for more free information!

Understanding the Scholarship Essay

When to Apply for Scholarships

Know Your Scholarship Committee