
Scholarship Essay Writing During the Summer

Friday, March 31, 2023 by Catherine Gilliland | Scholarship Essays

Summer is an awesome opportunity for high school students to begin exploring career interests.

There are plenty of free and not-so-free career interest surveys which can provide valuable information for students who are beginning the process of discovering or narrowing down their interests. Trying two or three surveys and looking for results that crossover is a powerful start.

CC Interest survey.indd (

O*NET Interest Profiler at My Next Move

Career Test Free for Students in High School, College, Teens, and Adults 

Summer is also a great time to begin searching for scholarship opportunities, creating some scholarship essay pre-writing exercises, and preparing practice essays for the 2023-2024 scholarship season. Beginning now is optimal because the distractions and demands of other coursework are minimal.

Scholarships are definitely more available for two and four-year degree programs, but with a little effort, a student can also create a list of scholarship opportunities for funding their vocational training and trade certificates as well.

Don't know where to begin? Have you seen my digital course Writing Scholarship Essays? Consider securing the valuable content in this self-paced, affordable, online course for your student. Alternately, I am available to work one on one with students as they navigate this exciting, but often challenging process.

Topics of Writing Scholarship Essays include:

  • Getting your Past Together (compiling past experiences for future essays)

  • Searching High and Low (for scholarship opportunities)

  • Keeping Your Act Together (organization)

  • Yikes, I Have to Write the Essay (strategies for writing essays)

  • Managing Word Count

  • The Power of Gratitude (effective follow-up)

Check out my blogs on these topics for more free information!